
This page is inspired by Derek Sivers' /now page movement. It's where I post what I'm currently working on, learning, reading, Yadda yadda yadda.

June 5, 2023

/now working on 

  • graphics for a super cool music conference happening later this year
  • pulling together project case studies for L&P.

/now learning

  • Scrimba Front End Developer path (I'm over halfway through it)
  • learning how to best set up Obsidian for my note-taking workflow
  • I'm also considering how I might share publicly what I'm learning & thinking about. (In addition to this /now page)

/now reading

/now listening to

/now pondering

"You are here not merely to gratify your impulses and consume what others have made but to make and contribute as well, to serve a higher purpose. To serve this higher purpose, you must cultivate what is unique about you. Stop listening so much to the words and opinions of others, telling you who you are and what you should like and dislike. Judge things and people for yourself. Question what you think and why you feel a certain way. Know yourself thoroughly—your innate tastes and inclinations, the fields that naturally attract you. Work every day on improving those skills that mesh with your unique spirit and purpose. Add to the needed diversity of culture by creating something that reflects your uniqueness."
(Robert Greene, The Daily Laws)